Tell the Time Game
Game 1:
Remind players that: The big hand on the clock tells us how many minutes. The small hand on the clock tells us the hour.
• Players place their ‘time’ boards, picture side up, in front of them.
• The youngest player begins by taking the top card from the central pile on the table and reading the time out loud.
• Players then look at the times on their time board to see if they can make a match. If they have an identical picture, the player shouts “Time!” and covers the space on their time board with the card.
• Play then continues in a clockwise direction until one player has completed their time board.
• The player must shout, “Time out!” as they cover the last square on their time board.
Game 2:
• The game is played as above but using the clock face sides of their ‘time’ boards. The winner The winner is the first player to cover all of the time squares on their time board.
• 4 double-sided 'time' boards
• 24 picture cards
• 1 instruction leaflet